Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Standing, written August 21, 2009


Do we stand?
I do not know where we stand
I do not know where I stand
I know where we once were
But where are we now?
Where do we stand?
If we are even standing at all
I know we fell.
Fell out.
So can we stand again?
Am I up or down?
How do, or should I feel?
How does one get back up
After falling that is...
And if we still stand
Are we standing still?
Not making any progress.
Or are we moving forward?
And if so
Together or separately?
I'm just trying to find my footing
The floor seems to be
Out from underneath me anymore..
And where are you?
Still standing?
Or with someone else?
And if so,
And how do I come to terms with that?
I know I can stand on my own
And up for myself
But am I standing anymore?
I know,
I'll have to get back up.
So when I do
Will you help me?

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