Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Imagination, Written November 13, 2009

My Imagination

My thoughts wrap securely around you,
Your presence triggers a persistent sense of stability in myself,
Centered and still,
You've created a concrete base,
A safe house of my own,
Saving me from everything,
But most importantly myself,
Throughout the day,
In clouded far away thoughts,
I am with you,
In my own sense of time,
In my own place,
A place that exists only to me,
Only I know it's expression,
To describe it,
Is to disloyal it,
However, you are there,
The only thing any outsider will ever lay eyes upon.
I admit this begrudgingly,
For I wish you were all my own,
As is this place,
Tucked safely away in the folds of my imagination,
Hindering my self conscious,
Is the sheer fact that this is imagined and only imagined,
I am without you and retreating from my world,
Becomes more difficult with each passing hour.

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