Friday, November 12, 2010

Threads, Written 11/12/2010

Dressed to impress
Out on the town tonight,
I've redone my lipstick three times
Something I have got to get just right,
My favorite topcoat hanging at the ready
Waiting patiently upon it's hook,
This is but no ordinary jacket
It has quite a peculiar look.

Lined inside with silk for such a sensual fit,
Sleeves lined down to my wrist
The tail ending at mid-hip,
Seven buttons to the top
Each a penny's size,
And might I add how this color
Accentuates my eyes.

The picturesque pattern alone,
Deserves a paragraph all it's own,
Oddly arranged oriental birds,
Peacocks of some sort
I imagine they travel in herds,
Betwixt the feathers leafed flowers boldly show,
In wild pinks, blues, and purples
All down my back they grow.

Finally, to tease with it's touch,
Anyone to hug me
Now enjoys it doubly as much,
the fabric soothes the skin,
A lovely deep lavender suede
Greets all who gather me in.

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