Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Well Remembered, Written, Jan 18th 2011

Well Remembered

I love a memory of a memory,
a photograph.
Taken when I wasn't even there,
capturing  a you
that to this day lives.
Lives a life untouched,
not tarnished nor tattered,
changed through circumstance,
replaced through recognition,
or eluded through lies.
Quietly, I've kept pieces of you
preserved at a point where we
knew no flaws in one another,
had not yet hurt each other,
valuing the small sliver of luck
that we ever met at all.
We've lost track of ourselves
to love and lust
and the never-ending mistrust.
But I'll remember what we knew
when we thought we knew it all.
While even standing at such great heights
we thought we'd never fall.

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